LANSING, Mich. — The state Senate on Tuesday adopted Sen. Jim Runestad’s resolution to affirm Michigan’s commitment to strengthening and deepening ties with Taiwan and to support the island nation’s participation in global affairs.
“It was important to adopt this meaningful resolution of continued friendship with Taiwan,” said Runestad, R-White Lake. “Our state benefits greatly, not only from U.S. trade with Taiwan, but also from our neighbors of Taiwanese heritage, who contribute so much to the quality of life across Oakland County, the state of Michigan, and beyond.”
Senate Resolution 52 notes that “Michigan and Taiwan have enjoyed a mutually beneficial relationship with strong bilateral trade and a long history of educational and cultural exchanges. Taiwan was Michigan’s 10th-largest export market in Asia in 2022, with over 313 million dollars’ worth of Michigan goods exported to Taiwan that year. The Michigan Department of Education and the Taiwanese Ministry of Education have had an English and Chinese language teacher exchange program since 2006.”
“It’s difficult to overstate the importance of our relationship with Taiwan — without this important trade partner, life would look very different for us Americans very quickly.” Runestad said. “That is why it is important we continue to support Taiwan and its people, especially as the small island nation faces increasing threats and aggression from nearby Communist China.”