LANSING, Mich. — State Sen. Jim Runestad issued the following statement Tuesday after the Senate Democrats repealed Michigan’s Right to Work law and restored prevailing wage requirements:
“If you previously thought Democrats cared more about the people of Michigan than their biggest benefactors, it should be clear now that you were wrong. Repealing Right to Work and reinstating prevailing wage are shamefully obvious ploys to funnel money out of the paychecks of Michigan’s taxpayers and into union coffers.
“Right to Work has proven itself over the past 10 years by helping pull Michigan out of the Lost Decade — helping us go from one of the most economically depressed states to one of the most competitive. This repeal is nothing more than Democrats bowing to the will of big union bosses who want to force workers to cough up dues as a condition of employment rather than work to earn the trust and investment of those same employees. Repealing Right to Work is blatantly anti-freedom.
“Prevailing wage laws would be better described as anti-competition or government-favorites laws. These mandates prevent fair and open competition in favor of a preferred segment of the labor force. This practice has proven to overbill taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars each year in government construction costs.
“These votes to reinstate failed economic policies of the past are wrong for Michigan and their price tag will be our future economic prosperity.”