LANSING, Mich. — After listening to the governor’s 2019 State of the State address Tuesday night, Finance Committee Chairman Sen. Jim Runestad, R-White Lake, issued the following statement.
“Under the last administration, Michigan rebounded strong from the lost decade. Our robust economy produced more than half a million jobs, cut unemployment by more than half, and strengthened the state’s financial foundation.
“As we build on our success, we must remember our most vulnerable and underprivileged, especially our children and seniors. Our comeback won’t be complete without them. I hope the governor and the Legislature can agree on that.
“More transparency in government and a renewed sense of integrity are important to me. Toward that end, I introduced Senate Bill 57 to institute a waiting period of two years before former lawmakers can become lobbyists and a period of three years for chairs of standing committees.
“Fixing the roads, reforming our highest-in-the-nation auto insurance system, and investing in the skilled trades should all be on the governor’s priority list as well.
“I look forward to working with the governor on these and other issues over the next four years.”